Example Exposing Fake Article

This is the perfect example of an individual attempting to publish a fabricated article and how easily people like this are exposed. http://www.thecumberlander.ca/show2041a45s/Why_Is_Alan_de_Jersey_Embarrassed
How can he believe no one noticed he proved my point?
Information IS power.

The videos posted at Union Bay Improvement News http://www.youtube.com/user/UnionBayImprovement/videos are to provide information to the public regarding the process and decisions being made on your behalf by those who promised to represent YOUR interests.

I previously provided your government with copies of the videos, but in keeping with their policies - information is not shared.
It is impossible for people to attend all the meetings, and the miniscule information provided in the minutes and the Landowners Update are inadequate.

In keeping with my beliefs - I want all of us to know what's going on. Only videos regarding The Union Bay Improvement District will be posted. More videos will be added to keep information current.


More at: http://allthingsunionbay.blogspot.ca/


law, misappropriation is the intentional, illegal use of the property or funds of another person for one's own use or other unauthorized purpose, particularly by a public official, a trustee of a trust, an executor or administrator of a dead person's estate or by any person with a responsibility to care for and protect another's assets (a fiduciary duty). It is a felony, a crime punishable by a prison sentence.

From 2007 Mail Outs Titled "Fairness In Our Community", and posted on old blog. Still believe it to be true.
Again, if anyone thinks I’ve got my facts wrong. maryreynoldsis@hotmail.com more at http://allthingsunionbay.blogspot.com/ By the way, I’m not auditioning to become a friend etc., so I’m not interested in comments regarding my presentation, style, bluntness, politeness blah blah - get it? This is not personal – it is business – I don’t care if one of your relatives or friends or neighbors is an elected official. They are accountable – like it or not. It doesn’t matter what level of government – they are elected.

Union Bay Residents' Association - A Front For KIP

Union Bay Residents' Association - A Front For KIP
Union Bay Residents' Association - Created to Promote KIP



Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tax Payers for Accountable Governance - Time to Put Up

I'm not a member of TAG.  All five Union Bay Improvement District Trustees have been supported by TAG.  

I'm patiently waiting for the members of the UBID Board to provide what was promised prior to the April election.  

Do you have what it takes to follow up on your promises?

I've listed a few to jog memories.

Comox Valley Record April 28, 2011
"TAG and Anne and I have never said we are going to cut taxes," Molstad said, adding TAG stands for good government. "We want government to be open and accountable."

Let's See the Legal Opinion
Carol Molstad
Comox Valley Echo

I find it necessary to clarify some inaccurate information provided by SM Hargreaves in her recent letter.

She is right in stating that Trustee Livesey rose on a point of personal privilege and asked for immediate answers to his questions on December 15th. A point of personal privilege is one of Roberts Rules of Order that allows a member to ask for a direct response to a comment defaming one's character and according to those same rules it supersedes all other business. It is not an "ignorant" attempt to disrupt the meeting.

The point of privilege was necessary when it became known throughout the community that UBID, through its own lawyer, had made allegations of illegal conduct against two unnamed trustees. The way this information became public was because the landowner who received the letter shared it with other community residents.

To say that "they (UBID) could not speak to a letter they had not received" defies logic.

Does that mean that UBID's lawyer made up the allegations on his own and put them into a letter sent on behalf of the Board? Did UBID not receive a copy of all correspondence sent on their behalf? If the Board had, in fact, not seen the letter, then who was directing their lawyer? What are the costs of this unprecedented action? It is these kinds of questions and suspect behaviour that is troubling to many landowners of Union Bay. Now that UBID has a legal opinion regarding the allegations, they should release it to the public - post it on the website or mail it out with the next water bill. Then the community can make up its own mind about what is going on.

Carol Molstad
Union Bay

Monday, November 14, 2011

Assisted Suicide In Canada: Dying Woman Challenges Laws 20 Years After Last Attempt

VANCOUVER - It's been nearly 20 years since Canada's laws on assisted suicide have been challenged by a terminally ill person, and now a similar right-to-die case has thrust the issue back into the spotlight.

On Monday, lawyers for Gloria Taylor, 63, will be in B.C. Supreme Court to argue against laws that make it a criminal offence to help seriously ill people end their lives.
In August, the Farewell Foundation lost its court battle to have the laws changed because its plaintiffs were anonymous, but in a separate case, Judge Lynn Smith agreed to fast track a trial for Taylor, who wants a doctor-assisted suicide.

She suffers from ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, an incurable illness that gradually weakens and degenerates muscles to the point of paralysis.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Above all, we must vow never to forget.

 However you choose to remember, be sure to share with everyone you know. Together, it is our duty to pass on the legacy and keep the memories of our Canadian Veterans alive.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What An Exciting Day - something new

Someone was kind enough to send me this link.  I had received an email from the author, but did not respond for obvious reasons.

Why is this pic so funny?
35 acre project under his belt - stand tall Brian, stand tall.


 The BullShit Flows From The Savior

The district’s abrupt decision was a surprise to the developers, says McMahon, since their plan all along had been to use Langley Lake, which was considerably closer and less expensive to tap. Meanwhile, a residents’ group and environmental advocates were leery of the Langley Lake solution and felt that the process, such as it was, had shut them out of the discussion. In the end, after a court challenge, Langley Lake became the water supply, but the imbroglio cost Kensington Island Properties millions of dollars in additional studies and legal costs, not to mention a delay of some two years.

McMahon claims Bob Long pulled a fast one changing the water source at the last minute.  Funny how he never mentioned anything from March 2006 when the information sessions and public hearings were going on until May of 2009.

Shut them out of the discussion - I believe the Regional District changed the water source and the bylaws illegally.  That's what the court challenge was about.  The judges decision was that the residents were not given the opportunity to speak to the water source.  The RD and KIP lost.

Don't count your chickens yet Brian.  You really should have been more careful.  UBID is a time capsule of events.  How many documents can be challenged?  Dirty little fingers.........

UBID Investigation by Ombudsperson

Wonder how those who served as Trustees of the Union Bay Improvement District when Brian McMahon first appeared on the scene and all the actions taken to push Kensington Island Properties through up until now, feel about their actions and whether they can justify what took place.

I'm one of the four individuals who sent in complaints to the Ombudsperson Office about UBID.  Obviously, my complaint included the conflict of interest concerns and this is one of the areas the investigator, David Murray, is looking into.

There are quite a few former Trustees.   I hope they all realize actions taken by members of UBID are now being scrutinized - how far back the investigation will go should be interesting.  They have to answer for their actions or inaction.

Stupid or ?