The post Kensington Island Properties and Union Bay was getting too long so I'm continuing it here for a while.
It's getting hard to decide what to post as I have so much material. Of course, now looking back and seeing who was involved, is very interesting. Will be attending UBID offices to obtain documents I'm missing. It's always wise to keep copies of documents available, otherwise it could be costly to obtain through UBID as per Bylaw No. 223.
Posted on OnlyAsking.Com Sept. 7, 2006.
Text Below:
Jennifer Keenan, Chairperson
Sharon McGarvey, Secretary
Doug Geidt
Tom Reid, Sussex Consultants Ltd.
Felicity Adams, Senior Planning Analyst,
- Local Government Structure Branch, Ministry of Community Services
Call to order:
All Committee members were in attendance and the meeting was called to order at 12:10 pm by Jennifer Keenan. The agenda was reviewed, two items were added:
• Committee Name:
o There was a brief discussion on the official name of the Committee; it was agreed that this Committee would be called the Union Bay Restructure Referendum Committee.
• Committee Members:
o After discussion and comparison with other communities’ referendum process, it was agreed that Suzanne Murray would be asked to continue her Ex-officio position on the Committee.
The meeting proceeded.
a. Ministry of Community Services:
• Two letters from the Ministry to Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) and the Regional District of Comox-Strathcona (RDCS) were reviewed and discussed. The letters clarified the positions of both the UBID and the RDCS.
• The August 9, 2006 letter from the Minister approving the incorporation vote and grant was also reviewed.
b. Union Bay Residents Association and David Molstad
• The Committee received a letter from Union Bay Residents Association (UBRA); Sussex Consulting received a letter from David Molstad. Both letters requested specific information on certain issues.
• There was discussion on the best way to process requests for information. It was agreed that all requests would be handled by Tom. He would review, and if appropriate, respond to questions by posting answers on our web page.
• There was further discussion on ensuring that correct and accurate information is available to the public. Felicity and Tom both monitor other web pages which are being used to publish information such as; they expressed concern that the information on these web pages is not always complete or accurate.
• It was agreed that the other web pages would continue to be monitored and if there was misinformation on the other web pages, we would ensure that the correct information was available on our web page
• It was agreed that only proper requests for information (either by email, letter or phone call) would be responded to by the Committee or by Tom.
• It was further agreed that we will not identify the source of the questions and that, where possible, responses to similar questions would be batched.
a. Public access to Committee meetings:
• All future Committee meetings will be held in a publicly accessible area, the dates and times of the meetings will be posted on the web page and a notice displayed in the post office on the bulletin board.
• It was agreed that the next meeting would be held at the post office in the Historical Society’s Board room. The rent is minimal at $15 per meeting.
b. Consensus or voting:
• After discussion it was determined that all decisions of the Committee would be by consensus
c. Committee Minutes:
• After the meeting minutes have been approved by the Committee they will be posted on the web page
d. Budgets and responsibility:
• The budget that was submitted to the Ministry, and approved and funded was reviewed by the Committee members.
a. Number of public meetings:
• After discussion it was decided that although only 2 public meetings had been budgeted for by Tom, the Committee had budgeted for a possible third meeting.
• The Committee agreed that providing three separate days for public meetings and having a daytime and evening meeting on each day would meet the needs of the Community members on the whole.
b. Format for each meeting:
• The meeting format and topics were discussed at length. It was agreed that the first meeting would be on Governance, the second on Services and Taxes, with the third meeting a review of both topics and any related material arising from the other two meetings.
• An outside the area moderator will be hired to attend and guide all three meetings.
• The Committee will determine what type of format and time issues will be required at each future public meeting at a future Committee meeting.
c. Dates for Public Meetings:
• After lengthy discussion and schedule reviews the Committee selected Wednesday, September 20, Monday, October 2 and Saturday, October 14 for the public meetings. These dates are to be confirmed with the UBCC for availability.
• Details of the actual door opening and meeting times were also discussed.
• The tentative advance poll dates of October 11 and 18, and the Referendum date of October 21, were also discussed.
a. Number of mail-outs:
• After lengthy discussion it was decided that in the interest of providing as much information as possible, in a fashion that would be easily digested by the Community, three - two page newsletters would be mailed out instead of two - four page newsletters.
• It was also decided that for the first mail-out, we would include a separate, coloured sheet which would have the location, meeting dates and times, proposed topics and a map of the proposed municipal boundaries. The Committee decided that including the meeting topics would help make the public aware of the key points for discussion.
• It was also decided that the Committee’s contact information along with the Chief Election Officer’s contact information would be included on that separate page.
• There was further discussion on the newsletter regarding when they should be sent out. It was agreed that the newsletters would be prepared and mailed out the week before each public meeting. The dates for the mail outs were September 8, 19 and October 3.
• It was also noted that all of the information provided in the newsletter would also be available on the web page.
b. Mailing list and postage:
• It was agreed that the mailing list would be the UBID’s list and that in order to reach the renters, extra copies of the newsletters would be dropped off at the post office and at rural boxes.
• Sharon will take care of the postage and mailing of the newsletters.
c. Full Report and Summary:
• The new figures are available, Tom will prepare the report and provide copies to the Committee members, and provide loaning copies to the UBID and the Library in Union Bay. It will also be published on the web page.
• An 8 page summary will be prepared, copies of it will be available at each public meeting.
a. Echo, Record and Down by the Bay:
• After discussion it was agreed that Tom will prepare ads for the 2 local papers and Down by the Bay. The ads will include the location, dates and times, the proposed agendas, the web page and contact information. The ads are to be placed in the paper one week before the meetings, and in both the September and October issues of the Down by the Bay.
• The Committee also decided that the dates of all public meetings would be sent to the Community Calendar pages at each of the local papers.
a. Extra meetings with special groups or organizations:
• After lengthy discussion it was agreed that there would be no special meetings with special interest groups. It was decided that if there was an interest in meeting, the best way to accommodate the special groups was to invite them to the public meetings ½ hour before the start time. The Committee and Tom will be set up and ready approximately an hour before the meeting time and available to talk to groups then.
b. Press Releases:
• After discussion, it was agreed that the Committee give Tom the authority to respond to questions either from the papers or the public on our behalf.
• If the Committee receives technical questions, we will refer them to Tom; if we are contacted regarding other issues (voting, Ministry concerns) we will redirect them to the appropriate source.
• It was also noted that our role is to host the information available, provide it to the public and act as liaisons between the Community and the Ministry.
• It was re-confirmed that this Committee has NO OPINION or view on this referendum and will express none.
• It was also agreed that we would not do a press release as a Committee. All important information will be available through the ads that will be placed in the local papers.
c. Coordination of responses to public questions:
• It was agreed that Jennifer Keenan, Chairperson, will be the spokesperson for the Committee.
• Tom and Jennifer will work together on inquires. They will keep track of the questions and responses for our records.
• As required, responses will be discussed with the Committee prior to publication on the web page or release to the public.
• Tom will prepare another technical report using the new figures. It will be approximately 45 pages long. His intention is to complete the report by August 28, and have it ready for presentation to the Committee at our next meeting.
• Appropriate material from the report will be included in the first newsletter and in keeping with the first public meeting’s agenda.
• The Report will include a section on the impact to the remaining tax payers in the study area.
a. Role of the Committee:
• Felicity Adams will review the current level of services provided by the Regional District; she will indicate which ones a municipality would assume and which ones will continue under the Regional District.
• Meetings will need to be set up between the Ministry (Derek Trimmer will attend), the Regional District, the UBID as well as with the Committee.
• It is anticipated that all three meetings will be done in one day.
• Felicity will advise the Committee Chair when this will happen.
• Felicity will also be reviewing the Letters Patent prior to the vote.
9. There was no other business.
10. The next meeting will be held on August 31, 2006, at 1:00 pm in the Union Bay Historical Board room, at the post office.
To Do List:
1. Sharon to contact Suzanne Murray regarding sitting on the Committee
2. Sharon to get copies of the UBRA and D. Molstad’s letters
3. Tom to respond on our web page to the two letters
4. Sharon to confirm dates with UBCC for public meetings
5. Tom to do 10 copies of a laminate version of the information sheet from the 1st mail-out
6. Sharon to contact the UBID and the Library to ensure that they are willing to have a lending copy and deal with the public with regards to it
7. Sharon to send dates to the local papers for the Community Calendar pages
8. Sharon to set up next meeting date and rental of the UBHS Board room
9. Sharon to post notice of the next meeting at the post office noting that the public are welcome to attend and observe
10. Tom to include dates and times of Committee meetings on the web page
Jennifer Keenan, Chairperson
Sharon McGarvey, Secretary
Doug Geidt
Tom Reid, Sussex Consultants Ltd.
Felicity Adams, Senior Planning Analyst,
- Local Government Structure Branch, Ministry of Community Services
Call to order:
All Committee members were in attendance and the meeting was called to order at 12:10 pm by Jennifer Keenan. The agenda was reviewed, two items were added:
• Committee Name:
o There was a brief discussion on the official name of the Committee; it was agreed that this Committee would be called the Union Bay Restructure Referendum Committee.
• Committee Members:
o After discussion and comparison with other communities’ referendum process, it was agreed that Suzanne Murray would be asked to continue her Ex-officio position on the Committee.
The meeting proceeded.
a. Ministry of Community Services:
• Two letters from the Ministry to Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) and the Regional District of Comox-Strathcona (RDCS) were reviewed and discussed. The letters clarified the positions of both the UBID and the RDCS.
• The August 9, 2006 letter from the Minister approving the incorporation vote and grant was also reviewed.
b. Union Bay Residents Association and David Molstad
• The Committee received a letter from Union Bay Residents Association (UBRA); Sussex Consulting received a letter from David Molstad. Both letters requested specific information on certain issues.
• There was discussion on the best way to process requests for information. It was agreed that all requests would be handled by Tom. He would review, and if appropriate, respond to questions by posting answers on our web page.
• There was further discussion on ensuring that correct and accurate information is available to the public. Felicity and Tom both monitor other web pages which are being used to publish information such as; they expressed concern that the information on these web pages is not always complete or accurate.
• It was agreed that the other web pages would continue to be monitored and if there was misinformation on the other web pages, we would ensure that the correct information was available on our web page
• It was agreed that only proper requests for information (either by email, letter or phone call) would be responded to by the Committee or by Tom.
• It was further agreed that we will not identify the source of the questions and that, where possible, responses to similar questions would be batched.
a. Public access to Committee meetings:
• All future Committee meetings will be held in a publicly accessible area, the dates and times of the meetings will be posted on the web page and a notice displayed in the post office on the bulletin board.
• It was agreed that the next meeting would be held at the post office in the Historical Society’s Board room. The rent is minimal at $15 per meeting.
b. Consensus or voting:
• After discussion it was determined that all decisions of the Committee would be by consensus
c. Committee Minutes:
• After the meeting minutes have been approved by the Committee they will be posted on the web page
d. Budgets and responsibility:
• The budget that was submitted to the Ministry, and approved and funded was reviewed by the Committee members.
a. Number of public meetings:
• After discussion it was decided that although only 2 public meetings had been budgeted for by Tom, the Committee had budgeted for a possible third meeting.
• The Committee agreed that providing three separate days for public meetings and having a daytime and evening meeting on each day would meet the needs of the Community members on the whole.
b. Format for each meeting:
• The meeting format and topics were discussed at length. It was agreed that the first meeting would be on Governance, the second on Services and Taxes, with the third meeting a review of both topics and any related material arising from the other two meetings.
• An outside the area moderator will be hired to attend and guide all three meetings.
• The Committee will determine what type of format and time issues will be required at each future public meeting at a future Committee meeting.
c. Dates for Public Meetings:
• After lengthy discussion and schedule reviews the Committee selected Wednesday, September 20, Monday, October 2 and Saturday, October 14 for the public meetings. These dates are to be confirmed with the UBCC for availability.
• Details of the actual door opening and meeting times were also discussed.
• The tentative advance poll dates of October 11 and 18, and the Referendum date of October 21, were also discussed.
a. Number of mail-outs:
• After lengthy discussion it was decided that in the interest of providing as much information as possible, in a fashion that would be easily digested by the Community, three - two page newsletters would be mailed out instead of two - four page newsletters.
• It was also decided that for the first mail-out, we would include a separate, coloured sheet which would have the location, meeting dates and times, proposed topics and a map of the proposed municipal boundaries. The Committee decided that including the meeting topics would help make the public aware of the key points for discussion.
• It was also decided that the Committee’s contact information along with the Chief Election Officer’s contact information would be included on that separate page.
• There was further discussion on the newsletter regarding when they should be sent out. It was agreed that the newsletters would be prepared and mailed out the week before each public meeting. The dates for the mail outs were September 8, 19 and October 3.
• It was also noted that all of the information provided in the newsletter would also be available on the web page.
b. Mailing list and postage:
• It was agreed that the mailing list would be the UBID’s list and that in order to reach the renters, extra copies of the newsletters would be dropped off at the post office and at rural boxes.
• Sharon will take care of the postage and mailing of the newsletters.
c. Full Report and Summary:
• The new figures are available, Tom will prepare the report and provide copies to the Committee members, and provide loaning copies to the UBID and the Library in Union Bay. It will also be published on the web page.
• An 8 page summary will be prepared, copies of it will be available at each public meeting.
a. Echo, Record and Down by the Bay:
• After discussion it was agreed that Tom will prepare ads for the 2 local papers and Down by the Bay. The ads will include the location, dates and times, the proposed agendas, the web page and contact information. The ads are to be placed in the paper one week before the meetings, and in both the September and October issues of the Down by the Bay.
• The Committee also decided that the dates of all public meetings would be sent to the Community Calendar pages at each of the local papers.
a. Extra meetings with special groups or organizations:
• After lengthy discussion it was agreed that there would be no special meetings with special interest groups. It was decided that if there was an interest in meeting, the best way to accommodate the special groups was to invite them to the public meetings ½ hour before the start time. The Committee and Tom will be set up and ready approximately an hour before the meeting time and available to talk to groups then.
b. Press Releases:
• After discussion, it was agreed that the Committee give Tom the authority to respond to questions either from the papers or the public on our behalf.
• If the Committee receives technical questions, we will refer them to Tom; if we are contacted regarding other issues (voting, Ministry concerns) we will redirect them to the appropriate source.
• It was also noted that our role is to host the information available, provide it to the public and act as liaisons between the Community and the Ministry.
• It was re-confirmed that this Committee has NO OPINION or view on this referendum and will express none.
• It was also agreed that we would not do a press release as a Committee. All important information will be available through the ads that will be placed in the local papers.
c. Coordination of responses to public questions:
• It was agreed that Jennifer Keenan, Chairperson, will be the spokesperson for the Committee.
• Tom and Jennifer will work together on inquires. They will keep track of the questions and responses for our records.
• As required, responses will be discussed with the Committee prior to publication on the web page or release to the public.
• Tom will prepare another technical report using the new figures. It will be approximately 45 pages long. His intention is to complete the report by August 28, and have it ready for presentation to the Committee at our next meeting.
• Appropriate material from the report will be included in the first newsletter and in keeping with the first public meeting’s agenda.
• The Report will include a section on the impact to the remaining tax payers in the study area.
a. Role of the Committee:
• Felicity Adams will review the current level of services provided by the Regional District; she will indicate which ones a municipality would assume and which ones will continue under the Regional District.
• Meetings will need to be set up between the Ministry (Derek Trimmer will attend), the Regional District, the UBID as well as with the Committee.
• It is anticipated that all three meetings will be done in one day.
• Felicity will advise the Committee Chair when this will happen.
• Felicity will also be reviewing the Letters Patent prior to the vote.
9. There was no other business.
10. The next meeting will be held on August 31, 2006, at 1:00 pm in the Union Bay Historical Board room, at the post office.
To Do List:
1. Sharon to contact Suzanne Murray regarding sitting on the Committee
2. Sharon to get copies of the UBRA and D. Molstad’s letters
3. Tom to respond on our web page to the two letters
4. Sharon to confirm dates with UBCC for public meetings
5. Tom to do 10 copies of a laminate version of the information sheet from the 1st mail-out
6. Sharon to contact the UBID and the Library to ensure that they are willing to have a lending copy and deal with the public with regards to it
7. Sharon to send dates to the local papers for the Community Calendar pages
8. Sharon to set up next meeting date and rental of the UBHS Board room
9. Sharon to post notice of the next meeting at the post office noting that the public are welcome to attend and observe
10. Tom to include dates and times of Committee meetings on the web page