Breaking news! A Union Bay landowner sent the past Trustee an email asking where he obtained her email address.
It was obtained because of an error which exposed email addresses and suggests taking issue with the Administrator and Board - is basically the response received. Oh, and when the Trustee sent the emails, he made sure recipients knew He didn't want them to respond to Him. How convenient.
Wants people to complain about an error by the Administrator, bring it before the Board (as if they don't have enough shit to clean up) when He intentionally distributed the list. Ya, that is a really fine upstanding, neighborly, harmless good citizen type of thing to do isn't it?
Is this what you expect of those who are elected, serve their terms? Continue living and fail to relinquish what little authority they had upon leaving office?
I'll say it again in case they're still in fantasy land.
You are no one now. Just like the rest of us.