Thought it would be interesting to post this after reading it again. How things have changed since this was written. Wonder how Bob and The Hat feel now? Does he have an analogy to describe what happens to a house filled with rot? The People decided to cut out the rot and are now working on the repairs because we know what caused the rot and why it spread so fast. The People won't allow that to happen again. Spread that one around to your ethically challenged cronies.
What do you stand for?
Comox Valley Echo |
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Please TAG, Tell Us What You Want,
What You Really, Really Want ?
What is your vision for Union Bay? So far you have not put forth one positive idea for the betterment of our community but have campaigned against any forward direction initiatives. You are in the process of destroying our Board of Trustees through a campaign of innuendo and warped representation of the facts by attacking the Board members and staff.
The Union Bay Improvement District is operated under Letters Patent with the sole responsibility for water, fire protection and street lighting in accordance with the democratic laws of the day. The members of the Board of Trustees are fine upstanding citizens of our community duly elected from a slate of volunteers by the people of UB.
They unselfishly devote their time to fulfil their sworn mandate for a mere honorarium of $25 per meeting, have provided minutes of the meetings, sent out routine status and progress reports, have open accounting ledgers which are open for scrutiny should anyone want to visit the UBID office and pose their concerns. Yet, you still rant and rail about open government. What would you do to improve the situation after you depose the Board? Please state what you would do? I have fears that you would turn over the Letters Patent to a Regional District which would create a new management branch and hire staff at Union wages thereby driving up our taxes again. Is that what you want?
Granted there are many citizens who live in Union Bay who live on "fixed incomes" but what about the young men and women who have to scramble for a living and must work in the cities where the jobs are? What do you have in mind for job creation and giving them an opportunity to live in the place they grew up? What is your vision? Your TAG members have opposed the KIP development all the way either through rabid environmental concerns, water issues and so on.
The supporters of a forward looking community have concerns about development as well but have worked with KIP to implement improvements to the development plans which are and will satisfy present environmental standards and even improve on them and create jobs.
Our Democracy defends your right to criticize anything you are unhappy with but you should also state how you would improve the situation.
So I ask again, TAG members what do you really, really want for Union Bay? Please clarify? A house divided will not stand.
Bob Grant
Union Bay
Resident and property owner of 22 years
What You Really, Really Want ?
What is your vision for Union Bay? So far you have not put forth one positive idea for the betterment of our community but have campaigned against any forward direction initiatives. You are in the process of destroying our Board of Trustees through a campaign of innuendo and warped representation of the facts by attacking the Board members and staff.
The Union Bay Improvement District is operated under Letters Patent with the sole responsibility for water, fire protection and street lighting in accordance with the democratic laws of the day. The members of the Board of Trustees are fine upstanding citizens of our community duly elected from a slate of volunteers by the people of UB.
They unselfishly devote their time to fulfil their sworn mandate for a mere honorarium of $25 per meeting, have provided minutes of the meetings, sent out routine status and progress reports, have open accounting ledgers which are open for scrutiny should anyone want to visit the UBID office and pose their concerns. Yet, you still rant and rail about open government. What would you do to improve the situation after you depose the Board? Please state what you would do? I have fears that you would turn over the Letters Patent to a Regional District which would create a new management branch and hire staff at Union wages thereby driving up our taxes again. Is that what you want?
Granted there are many citizens who live in Union Bay who live on "fixed incomes" but what about the young men and women who have to scramble for a living and must work in the cities where the jobs are? What do you have in mind for job creation and giving them an opportunity to live in the place they grew up? What is your vision? Your TAG members have opposed the KIP development all the way either through rabid environmental concerns, water issues and so on.
The supporters of a forward looking community have concerns about development as well but have worked with KIP to implement improvements to the development plans which are and will satisfy present environmental standards and even improve on them and create jobs.
Our Democracy defends your right to criticize anything you are unhappy with but you should also state how you would improve the situation.
So I ask again, TAG members what do you really, really want for Union Bay? Please clarify? A house divided will not stand.
Bob Grant
Union Bay
Resident and property owner of 22 years